On Thursday 28th of October, we held our Green School action day. The focus for this flag is Global Citizenship Energy.
Each class has been learning about different renewable energy sources, the impact of global warming and how to be a better global citizen. Each class then presented what they had learnt to the whole school. We had 2 special guests Dónal Sheehan and Daire Ó hUallacháin who are members of our Green school committee.
Junior and Senior Infants recited a rhyme to remind us to switch off the lights and to be careful with our Energy use. Rang 1 displayed their fantastic projects. Rang a 3 sang a medley of songs. The senior classes presented projects about energy sources and tips on how to be a better global citizen. Rang 2 and Mr Cremin wrote a song to remind us to save Energy and we all sang it together.
To mark the occasion, a tree was planted to offset out carbon emissions with the assistance of the Green schools committee. Pupils in 4th and 5th planted flowers in the flower beds.