After in-depth discussion and CPD with Oide facilitator Edel we choose Outdoor & Adventure as our priority PE strand this year. We also decided on Running and Sidestepping as FMS focus. We are looking forward to learning more about these areas in May & June.
PE Timetable
All classes participate in all strands of the PE curriculum and specific FMS (Fundamental Movement Skills) at various times of the year. Each class from Rang 1 upwards goes to swimming lessons in Fermoy pool for a few weeks on a rotational basis between September and December.
CPD – Oide facilitator
All staff members were delighted to welcome Oide facilitator Edel Murphy to school to up-skill us in the Outdoor and Adventures strand. Edel also incorporated FMS (fundamental movement skills) into the lessons using the Move Well Move Often resources. The pupils really enjoyed these lessons and we are looking forward to implementing her ideas!
Land PAWS – Water Safety
In April we were delighted to welcome Rosie from Water Safety Ireland. Each class participated in a Land Paws water safety programme with Rosie. Rosie spread the message of water safety in a fun and educational way. We learned about the various flags, how to spot dangers and obstacles, how to access dangerous situations and how to use a life buoy, rope, life jacket or other appropriate items to save someone in trouble in the water. We also learned the difference between a life jacket and a personal floatation device. Water safety in the home and farm was also discussed. This was such an informative day for everyone!
Gymnastics helps children to develop physical skills like body control, coordination and strength. Gymnastics allows children to experience self-confidence through creativity, performance, and helps to lay a strong foundation for other sports that a child might express interest in. We are lucky to have a variety of gymnastics equipment to enhance our lessons.
Games have always been an important part of our PE curriculum. We play a huge variety of games and are lucky to have a huge variety of equipment in school. Games are loved by everyone and we focus on inclusion and participation.
Priority Fundamental Movement Skills
As a staff we agreed to focus on Running and Jumping as our main Fundamental Movement skills priority’s. The FMS books and posters are available in the halla for teachers to access. Throughout the year we saw an improvement in pupils running and jumping skills particularly during the #RunAroundEurope challenge. Pupils really enjoyed focusing on these skills and improving their techniques.
Dance is an integral part of our PE curriculum. As a school we decided to focus on dance in Term 2. As part of our ASF journey we wanted to utilise the talents within our school community. We are so lucky to have the extremely talented Ms Barry on staff who is an incredible dance teacher. Ms Barry generously gave her time and expertise and spent 5 weeks teaching dance to each class every Friday. We have some fantastic dancers in school and this really allowed their talents to shine through. We can’t wait use these moves during the #dancetakeover Active School Week. Go raibh maith agat Ms Barry.
During Term 3 we hope to introduce a speaker to the yard so the pupils can dance in the yard at lunch time. It will allow them the opportunity to become more creative and create their own dance routines.
Bhí spórt agus spraoi againn ag damhsa sa chlós i gcomhair Seachtain na Gaeilge! Bhain na páistí go léir an taitneamh as an gCéilí! As part of Seachtain na Gaeilge each year we celebrate with a Céilí Mór. Rang 1-6 spent a few weeks practising An Dreolín, Fallaí Luimnigh, Cuir Bróg as an tAsal agus Ionsaí na hInse. The Céilí was a huge success and the pupils loved learning all the dances.
ASF Equipment Monitors
Our equipment monitors have been working tirelessly to audit all of our PE equipment. They have organized, labelled and tidied out PE equipment room and are keeping it in excellent condition for the whole school community.
Climbing Wall Frame and Peg Board
We are delighted with the new addition of a small wall climbing frame and peg board in our infant yard. It would not have been possible without the help of our Parents’ Association . This gives great opportunity to our budding climbers to practise their moves. We are ‘Being Wise and Exercising’!